Power 2C FC
Sku: 63043102
Availability: In stock
Known as the ultimate power fishing angler, Jason Christie demands incredible strength and abrasion resistance in a fishing line to meet the challenges of heavy cover, short casts and explosive hook sets. Power2C was designed to Jason's specifications to meet the demands of shallow water, heavy cover angling. As a premium fluorocarbon, it features extreme abrasion resistance against wood, boat dock cables and rocks. It also features the perfect shock absorption to overcome wicked hook sets on big fish with heavy action rods at short distance to insure no break offs, which plagues many fluorocarbon lines. Finally, Power2C features repeating high visibility markings on the line to provide greater visibility for line watching, to be able to see the lightest bites. The high visibility marking is 12” long followed by 48” of clear, allowing you to tie on in the clear section like a leader while still having the benefits of high visibility during the retrieve. Fluorocarbon can also be very hard to see in dirty or stained water conditions, so the high visibility markings act like a tracer allowing you to easily see the line no matter the water color.
LB Test: 16, 18, 20, 22, 25
Spool Length: 165YD