Maboroshi FC Leader
Sku: 63043660
Availability: In stock
More and more anglers are choosing a fluorocarbon leader to reduce visibility when targeting line shy fish. Maboroshi FC Leader is a 100% fluorocarbon leader material that features Sunline’s Vivid Dying Process, which significantly reduces the visibility of the leader material even further. The dying process adds five natural colors to the line helping it blend into rocks, wood or grass. The color changes approximately every 6” inches throughout the leader material. Moss green, green, gray, natural clear and reddish brown are utilized on the line to help it match any environment. By having colors that match the natural underwater environment it helps conceal the line from the wariest fish and increase bites for an angler. Fluorocarbon is less visible than other lines in the water, but it is not invisible, so by adding coloring to the leader it lowers the visibility to the fish.

LB Test: 5 LB, 6 LB, 7 LB, 8 LB, 10 LB, 12 LB, 14 LB, 16 LB and 20 LB
Spool Length: 50 YD