Importance of line diameter when cranking

Most anglers use the pound(lb) test of a fishing line as their only consideration of which size line to buy for their chosen fishing technique. The pound(lb) test rating is how many pounds of pressure it takes to break the line. Most anglers think the line will break if the fish weighs more than the line's lb test rating. However, this could not be further from the truth.
Sure, bigger fish have a greater chance of breaking your line, but you could catch fish that weigh many times more than the size of your line's lb test rating if you have a good drag on your reel and fight the fish properly. Many companies (particularly in the US) label line sizes much lower than what lb test they break at.
The line diameter is more important than the lb test rating, especially when cranking, as it impacts the performance of your crankbaits. For more information on why you should consider the diameter rather than the "lb test" rating when using any technique, check out our article on Why you should buy fishing line based on diameter not lb test.
Line Diameter and Cranking
Cranking is a technique that has been proven successful over many years and still wins tournaments today. The key to attracting bites on a crankbait is getting it to deflect off cover such as rock, wood, or grass or even just grinding it on the bottom. To do this, it might be necessary to downsize your line to get your crankbait to reach a certain depth. The thinner the diameter of your line is, the easier it cuts through the water, resulting in your bait getting down to the desired depth quicker.
When in the package, most crankbaits will have a number that shows how deep it will dive. This number could either be shown as a range, such as 8-12 feet, or it could be a maximum depth of what it has been tested to dive to, such as up to 12 feet. Suppose the packaging shows that it dives up to 12 feet. In that case, it is usually tested on the smallest diameter line that an angler would feel comfortable using, typically equivalent to an 8 or 10-lb test fluorocarbon. Fluorocarbon also has a higher specific gravity, which causes it to sink faster than nylon and braided lines, allowing a crankbait to dive deeper.
Helping with Long Casts
Another thing that can be extremely important when cranking is to make long casts. This is because a crankbait gradually dives deeper during the retrieve back to the boat. If the crankbait doesn't hit the bottom until halfway back, then your chances of getting a bite could also be cut in half.
So, you might be asking: if making longer casts keeps your bait in the strike zone longer, how is this related to line diameter? Well, just as a smaller diameter has less resistance when cutting through the water, it also has less resistance going through the air.
Line Coating or "Slickness"
In addition to this, line slickness is another advantage that helps with casting distance. We recommend FC Sniper, Crank FC, or Assassin FC for cranking because of their superior slickness, great abrasion resistance, and sensitivity, which are three critical factors for cranking.
Action of the Bait
The final thing many anglers need to consider when cranking is giving the lure a natural presentation. What does this mean? Well, the line can affect a lure's performance more than anything. Using a line diameter that is too thick can cause the crankbait to run incorrectly and take away from the action of the lure.
However, suppose you are fishing for bigger-than-average fish around heavy structures. In that case, consider using the thickest diameter that you can possibly get away with. It might even be necessary to upsize to a bigger crankbait to reach those depths. After all, bigger baits have been known to catch bigger fish!
As mentioned, ensure your lure runs correctly and stays in the strike zone. Sunline pro Todd Castledine uses a 20-lb FC Sniper or Shooter when cranking in Texas with anything equivalent to a 6XD or larger. This allows him to reach the depths where the fish are while also giving him the strength to guarantee his confidence!